Sage Surfaces Laminate Flipbook _Full Edition

SELLING THE PROJECT IN GENESIS On the next screen, type “ S ” next to the model #. Take a moment to verify the color the customer selected is in this price group listed. Press Enter to proceed.

On the next screen, select Customer Pickup Later (PL) as the Load Type (Delivery Method). Press F9 to proceed.

The SOS Item detail will be on the next screen. Press F9 to process the item and add it to the customers’ order.

Repeat the above order entry steps until all the items have been entered for the customer’s order. You should have NO LESS than 3 items in the order. Once all items have been entered. Select F9 to save the order, or F13 to process. Enter the customer’s information and process the order so it can be paid for at the register.

One more step and the order is complete!


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