allen + roth Solid Surface Brochure_The Island Collection

Clean and Safe Surface Superficie limpia y segura

Since solid surface is nonporous, it is a popular choice for healthcare facilities around the world. allen + roth solid surface countertops lock out liquid, bacteria, mold and mildew, and prevent it from penetrating the surface. It does not harbor bacteria and is hygienic. It is easily cleaned with warm soapy water, or an ammonia-based cleaner. Stubborn stains can be removed with a diluted mixture of water and bleach, or denatured alcohol, on a cotton cloth. Once you’ve completed cleaning, rinse with water and wipe dry. Please note that it is important to avoid strong acidic products, such as toilet or oven cleaners, as these may damage your countertop. Las encimeras de superficie sólida de allen + roth ya están selladas con un sellador patentado específicamente formulado para adherirse a las estructuras minerales inherentes a la piedra natural. Penetra profundamente para proporcionar una protección contra manchas sin igual y repelencia al aceite y al líquido. El sellador no es inflamable, adecuado para aplicaciones interiores y exteriores, y seguro para cocinas y superficies de preparación de alimentos. El protector desinfectante para superficies múltiples MonoFoil D está aprobado para su uso en encimeras de superficie sólida de allen + roth. Disponible en Lowe’s, este desinfectante informa que mata el 99.9% de las bacterias cuando se usa según las indicaciones. surface countertops. Available at Lowe’s, this disinfectant reports to kill 99.9% of bacteria when used as directed. MonoFoil D Multi-Surface Disinfectant Shield is approved for use on allen + roth solid


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