Design Inspiration by Sage Surfaces Winter 2023
POWDER BATH Bubbling over with style.
This powder bathroom is the perfect take on modern farmhouse. Industri al pendant lighting and matte black accents incorporate a rugged feel to the space while feathery veined quartz countertops balance out the vibe with their delicate and airy vibe. A great way to incorporate green ery into a smaller space is to uti lize eucalyptus in a vase. The re laxing scent of the eucalyptus keeps your powder bath feeling fresh and clean for all your guests! Hand soap is another way to sneak in a spa like experience for your guests. We suggest utilizing light and bright herbal scents to make your guests feel rejuvenated and fresh.
The perfect place to show off your inner minimalist is in a small space such as a powder bath. The sim plicity of the elements shown in this half bath make the room feel zen and clean. Keeping the shapes simple by utilizing various rectan gular elements ensure the design doesn’t become to fussy or busy. One of our main design goals is al ways to create spaces that are time less. We love the base notes of cream and black because they allow you to incorporate new design ideas throughout the year without having to redesign the entire space. As an example, the geometric print shown could easily be swapped for another piece of art when you get tired of it.
The vase of eucalyptus is also an easy element to switch up. Try uti lizing fresh flowers in the spring, or pampas grass in the fall to make your space feel homey and seasonal. A simple space that is both refined and effortless, we love taking an or dinary black and white design and elevating it with personal accents. Let you inner designer show through with the help of the friendly design ers at Lowe’s. Discover our beau tiful allen + roth quartz collection today at or exclu sively at Lowe’s in store and online!
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