Sage Support Department Communication Channels
I want to speak to a manager!
I can’t get ahold of the store.
• Look in IMS to see if the answer to their question/issue might be there, since they cannot see in that system. • Offer to reach out to the store and/or IST for them. • Send an email to the store and copy the CFI in on it so they know you are following up for them.
1. Ask them what you can do to assist. 2. Attempt to diffuse the situation, kill them with kindness 3. Offer to reach out for them and follow up
I have a warranty issues / question.
Where is my material? What is it’s status?
Ask them the nature of their issue, then you can either: • Review the Warranty for their product • Refer them to the Warranty information on our website • After reviewing the issue, determine if Lowe’s needs to be contacted to create a work order What’s going on with my order? 1. Check notes in Metis and IMS 2. Call the CFI /store to get an update, let the customer know we care This installer is horrible, I want a new one! CFI’s are entitled a chance to resolve or fix a situation. 1. Check the notes, see what is going on… provide the customer with insight, possible explain the process with them. 2. Let them know you will assist in finding a resolution. 3. Before going straight to the TSM/ RSM, call the CFI get their side of the story, and depending on what they say then you may want to reach out to leadership for assistance… DO NOT hand it off to them till they ask for it.
1. Check Metis for them 2. Call or email the distributor then update the CFI as needed (best to email distributor and copy the CFI in so they will get update when you do)
Before deciding to automatically escalate and send a question or issue, you should ask yourself… “ Have I done everything I could do to help resolve this issue/ answer this question?” Too often things are escalated needlessly, when a lower level of support could have addressed it. Here are some common questions/issues that get sent higher up when it is not required?
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