Sage Support Department Communication Channels

When you cannot be or provide a resolution/answer, it may be time to reach out. You must decide if it is best to make contact via phone, email, or both. It is important to remember which path to take to escalate. Once the direction is chosen, the method of contact should be selected. Urgent issues should be dealt with by phone, and problems that are not time sensitive can be initiated by email. If the topic has several details, a follow up email may want to sent to provide anyone involved all the notes and specifics of the issue/project, so they do not have to research it themselves.


Support Specialist: What is the Issue? Material? Service/ CFI? Selling?

Material: Review posted warranty info

Retail Question/ Issue

Service / CFI

Is it covered under warranty?

Is the issue within the labor warranty?

Is there a selling issue? Was it sold in the store or online?

Is there a pricing issue or question?

Contact the store to resolve

No Reach out to TSM/RSM to advise based on issues & notes. May require further escalation to Resolution Manager.

Yes Contact Lowe’s IST to input a work order

Contact IME for assistance

No Communicate that the issue is not covered, refer them back to the warranty information on

Yes / Appears to be Have them take pictures, send them to warranty@sagesurfaces.

Unsure/ Unclear of Coverage

Refer to the local store with Retail pricing questions

Have pictures emailed to m for review and assessment

Issues with or contacting the store, reach out to IST

com for review to approve or deny

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