Specialty Spotlight Resource Guide 2023


Can customer see their exact slab? •Y es, process is dependent on assigned fabricator and their process.

•N atural stone is a naturally occurring resource, and the pattern and veining will vary from slab to slab. Each natural stone slab is unique. Customer’s complete the slab viewing process prior to install. •Q uartz, solid surface, laminate, and porcelain are a m an-made material and is identical from slab to

Can customer view fabricator’s showroom for any allen + roth colors? • local fabricator for their current availability of slabs to view. Can we also sell additional quartz/natural stone colors? • Check with local fabricator for out of program colors that are available. Where can we get the small samples of quartz and natural stone from for customer to take? •P urchase online through Lowe’s or www.sagesurfaces.com. •P lease advise customer’s that these samples are a representation of the countertop. •W e encourage customer’s to purchase samples to view the countertop sample under the light in their kitchen and against the colors and materials they are using in their renovation. Where on the portal can you order allen + roth literature? •R eorder through CART

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