Specialty Spotlight Resource Guide 2023

Lucky Penny JANUARY 2023

SPECIALTY SPOTLIGHT Our Lucky 13 th Year of Partnership


The number 13 can certainly seem unlucky for some, but Sage Surfaces is proud to be entering their 13th year of partnership with Lowe’s. We’re excited to see where 2023 will take us and the Kitchen and Bath industry. The Lowe’s and Sage Surfaces partnership began in 2010 when Lowe’s approached our owners, Tom Schneider and John Pinsoneault, about creating a private label countertop program for Lowe’s Kitchen and Bath

Department. Out of those meetings, the allen + roth countertop program was born and continues to expand every year. Sage Surfaces now manages the distribution of all the Lowe’s allen + roth countertop products as well as a national fabricator database of the best fabricators in the industry.

Have you ever heard the saying “Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck?” The origin of the saying may stem from ancient times when metals were believed to offer protection from evil. When cultures began using coins as currency, those who had more associated coins with good fortune . Perhaps this fact contributed to good luck begin associated with finding a penny. Some people believe if a penny is found heads up, you should freely pick it up and will have good fortune or good luck. If the penny is found tails up, some people believe you should turn it to heads so the next person to find it will have good fortune or good luck. Others believe no matter what side the coin is flipped to it should be passed along to someone else the same day to ensure your own good luck. What do you do when you see a penny on the ground?

When it comes to our partnership, Sage Surfaces is always head up! Our goal is to work together, as quickly as possible to help provide solutions and resolutions for you and our customers. We want to help make your job easier and together, provide the best customer experience.

You can help us by answering these three questions: 1. Can you tell us one or two things that would help make selling an allen + roth countertop easier for you?

2. What is your favorite thing about the allen + roth countertop program?

3. What is something you wish your Sage Team or Fabrication Partner could help you more with?

Thank you for your feedback today and your time! And keep an eye out for those pennies. We’re looking forward to a great 2023 and all we can accomplish together this year!

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